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A PEX5 missense allele preferentially disrupts PTS1 cargo import into Arabidopsis peroxisomes

Plant Direct. . 2019-03; 
Patel KJ, Kao YT, Llinas RJ, Bartel B.
Products/Services Used Details Operation
Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Antibody (H&L) [HRP], pAb PEX5 (1:100; Zolman & Bartel, 2004) followed by horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-linked goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody (1:5,000 dilution of 0.125 mg/ml, GenScript A00098) o Get A Quote


The sorting of eukaryotic proteins to various organellar destinations requires receptors that recognize cargo protein targeting signals and facilitate transport into the organelle. One such receptor is the peroxin PEX5, which recruits cytosolic cargo carrying a peroxisome-targeting signal (PTS) type 1 (PTS1) for delivery into the peroxisomal lumen (matrix). In plants and mammals, PEX5 is also indirectly required for peroxisomal import of proteins carrying a PTS2 signal because PEX5 binds the PTS2 receptor, bringing the associated PTS2 cargo to the peroxisome along with PTS1 cargo. Despite PEX5 being the PTS1 cargo receptor, previously identified Arabidopsis pex5 mutants display either impairment of both PTS1 an... More


Arabidopsis thaliana; PEX5; peroxin; peroxisome import; peroxisome-targeting signal